WKGB Online Licensing System

WKGB Online Licensing System

Submitting renewal details in the proper format means we can process licences quickly and without the risk of errors or omissions.

Why use the licensing system?

It makes administration so much easier for everyone.

  • Quicker turnaround processing licences.
  • Re-printing lost licences.
  • Your student licences are accessible anywhere in the world via the web.
  • Administration costs reduced - put back into the WKGB.

Accessing the Licensing System

The Licensing System is available via the link, below.


When you log-in

You are first presented with the ‘login screen’, your username and password will be emailed to the email we have on record, so please check it is the correct one.

Once you are logged in you will be presented with the Central Membership & Licensing System.


Accessing the Licensing System

Logging-in for the first time

We strongly recommend changing your password, if you're accessing the system for the 1st time.

  • To begin, go to your Profile page.
  • At the bottom of the screen click EDIT PROFILE.

From here you can change your password.

DO NOT change any other information i.e. name, username or email address once you have changed your password.

Click SUBMIT, it will then tell you that your profile was successfully saved.

Logging-in for the first time

Licences tab

You can view all active, expired, and pending licences.

To do this:

  • Select your association from the drop-down box.
  • Narrow the search by name, or status (from the drop-down).
  • Click 'Go'.
Licences tab

To add a new licence


Enter the new licence information:

  • Date of Birth – Using the calendar Icon to the right
  • Name – Enter the student's full name
  • Address – Enter the student's address, keeping it as short as possible, including their postcode.
  • Grade – This section is only for dan grades:
    • 00 – Means non-grade
    • 01 – Means 1st dan black belt – etc.
  • Member – Select between junior, intermediate or senior
  • Association – There will only be one available – your association
  • Gender – Select between male or female
  • Under 16 – Select between yes or no (information required by Sport Wales)
  • Welsh Speaker – Select between yes or no (required by Sport Wales)
  • Disabled – Select between yes or no (required by Sport Wales)
  • Reg No – Please leave this blank it is for administrative purposes

Once you have entered all required fields click the ‘SAVE’ Button.

Once you have saved the information you can now ‘issue the licence’ using the – RENEW LICENCE TAB.

To add a new licence

Renew / issuing licences

You can ‘issue the licence’ via the – RENEW LICENCE TAB.

  • First, enter the 'renewal date' using the calendar icon to the right – this can only be back-dated up to 2 months.
  • Then select the MEMBER that you have just added.

Members' names are in alphabetical order and their licence ID number is at the side of their name in case of students with similar names.

  • Once the renewal date and member is selected click – Renew Licence.


To RENEW a student licence, use the exact same process as above.

Renew / issuing licences

Your account

From this screen, you can view your payments, which will be processed by the WKGB Licencing Administrator.

Your account

Printing Your Licences

You can print your licences at any time. However, if a student loses their licence slip or you need a duplicate, you cannot do it yourself.

Only ACTIVE licences can be printed.

Recently added licences will be viewed as PENDING. Pending licenses will only become active once payment has been received by the WKGB.


To print your WKGB Licence:

  • Go to the LICENCES TAB
  • Under ‘Association’ select your association from the drop-down. (Yours will be the only one visible.)
  • Under ‘Licence Status’ select ‘Active’.
  • Then click ‘GO’.

A list of your active licences will appear. Under the ‘Print Licence’ column you will see an active ‘Print’ link.

Printing Your Licences

Printing a Licence

  • Click the active ‘Print’ link from the print licence column and a new page will display the licence you have selected.
  • Print in PORTRAIT.
  • Licences are rendered as PDF files.

Most PC's have Adobe Acrobat installed. Most modern web browsers can read PDF files. PDF viewer's are widely available to download fro free, the most common being Adobe Acrobat.

The print function can often be triggered with the keyboard: ctrl + p on Windows devices, or cmd + p on Mac OS.

On most browsers, the Print option is in the File menu.

Printing Up To 8 Licences

SUBMITTING LICENCES: using the format & steps below, IS THE FASTEST WAY to work.

  • On the right-hand side of each row, tick the box of the licences you want to print (up to 8 at a time).
  • With the desired licences selected, click the PRINT (lightning-bolt icon) near the top of the page - NOT the print option alongside the record in the list.
  • A new page will open displaying the multiple licences you chose.
  • Important: print in LANDSCAPE.
    • You might need to choose print properties to change the page orientation to landscape.
    • This is important because it lets program & printer fit up to 8 licences on the page.
Printing Up To 8 Licences

Note to all associations

  • Do not submit / post handwritten lists of students.
  • Do not print wads of landscape pages from your browser.
  • Submissions in any format other than that outlined above dramatically complicate the administration of renewals and licences.
  • Those submissions not following the format outlined above will be returned unprocessed, leaving students unlicensed.


If you have entered

  • the incorrect licence date; or
  • a duplicate licence; or
  • the incorrect student name, address, date of birth etc.

In this instance contact the WKGB licencing administrator and we will change the information for you.


  • Change any other information in your profile page i.e. name, username or email address, without confirming with WKGB.
  • Delete a student licence.

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